Ballroom Dance Clinics

Ballroom Blast Team Experience for 7th-12th Graders 

Want to learn moves to impress the ladies?  Want to show off your dancing’ dexterity?  Want to have fun, set to music?  Then sign up for our Ballroom Blast Team Experience.  We’ll shimmy our way through a variety of ballroom styles, we’ll jive our way through high-energy routines, and we’ll learn an awesome dance to perform at the Ballroom Company’s end-of-year concert.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be on a ballroom team–this is your chance to experience the glory, the fame, and the fortune of dance!  (Okay–so there’s no fortune–but there will be a lot of fun!)

Important Note: All boys who register will receive a king-size candy bar the first day of class!

The class will run for 8 weeks:  Thursdays from 2:00-2:45 pm in the D3 Cafeteria, from Mar. 14th   to May 9th (no class Apr. 4th) with performances on May 10th and 11th.  The $70 fee includes 8 lessons and your costume rental for the shows.  For more details, see the flyer below, or pick one up from the office.

The instructor, Joy Price, has 14+ years of coaching experience working at a competitive dance studio and as a faculty member at BYU-Idaho.  She is also an accomplished performer with titles from a wide variety of national/international competitions and has been a featured artist at Walt Disney World.

Ballroom Dance Clinic Flyer


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