D3 Attendance School 2023-2024

How does it work?

How do I know if I have Attendance School?

If your grade in Skyward has been replaced by an NC, you have Attendance School. You are given 3 “free tardies” per class/per term (so 4 or more tardies count towards Attendance School).  Any time during the term you receive your 4th (or more) tardies an email will automatically be sent to your parents letting them know how many tardies you now have in that specific class.

Reminder! Deduct the 3 free tardies before you sign up and pay!

You can also login to your Skyward to see if you have an “NC” grade for any of your classes. Check your attendance to see how many tardies you have for the term.

Now what do I do?

  • Pre-Registration/Pre-Payment is required!
    • Registration: Go to our Draper 3 website, Parent Resources then click on Attendance School Form. Fill in all required information and submit.
    • Payments: must be paid online or at the High School/Jr High office by NOON the day before the date you plan to attend. Cash or Credit Card is accepted.
  • Each tardy after the first 3 is $5/30 minutes.
  • You may only sign up for 1 session at a time. Please plan to attend the session you sign up for.
  • Make sure to check after school activities to avoid any conflicts. Examples: Ambassador event, sports game, etc.
  • Please arrive 15-20 mins early to check in. Pay attention to the start time so you know what time you need to arrive.
  • Attendance School starts promptly at 2:30pm/7:00am. Students who arrive after the session starts will be asked to reschedule for another day.
  • No food, electronics, backpacks or sleeping will be allowed. A bottle of water is acceptable.
  • Arrive Prepared!! Students can 1) work on homework or 2) read a book.
  • Must be in FULL Monday-Thursday uniform, including their name tag.
  • NC will not be removed until hours and fee have been paid
  • Students not following rules may be asked to leave, call home and be picked up. No credit will be given.

Is Attendance School every Wednesday and Saturday? No. Attendance School dates are scheduled throughout the term. Look in our Newsletters, on our website and on the Bulletin boards located by the High School/Jr High Office’s for these dates. We also announce this during morning announcements. Here is the Link to sign up-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1s7-xsaSSxKIO8znzJGfNTZWrX_mZFrVcRFbMPoxTQ_0/edit

Where can I go for more information about Saturday School?  The Parent/Student Handbook is on our website for your easy reference. You may also contact the High School and Jr High Office’s for any questions you still have.


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