Draper 3 Secondary Students Update
Carpool Update
Parents! Please see the emails from your directors regarding carpool. The first email is general information while the 2nd contains your carpool numbers. Carpool maps are included at the bottom of this page.
IF YOU ARE CARPOOLING with someone, please fill out the google form (link in the email) to tell us who you are carpooling with so we can link your carpools and make final assignments.
Please read each email carefully as they include all the info you need for carpool. Thank you all! We are very excited for Monday.
Draper 3 Construction Updates

Thank all for your support as we maneuver through the beginning of this new school year.
As some of you may know, we are building a beautiful High School behind Draper 2 that will house our Draper 7-12th graders this coming year. Due to challenges that the construction crew has faced, the building is behind schedule and will not be ready August 21st. We have just recently been given the definitive word that the building will not be delivered in time for school to start, but will likely be delivered sometime in October.
The GOOD news is, we are not unprepared for this and have a very solid plan that includes starting school on time for all students on August 21st.
We have analyzed the challenges this may present, and have outlined some of them below, along with the solutions we identified.
Classrooms And Admin Offices

- Draper 3 High School students will attend school at Draper 1 and our Early Learning Center
- Draper 3 Junior High School students will attend school at Draper 2
We will utilize all available rooms in our Draper schools to ensure students have a comfortable place to learn!
Challenge: Spaces for specials classes like PE, Music and Art for elementary students at Draper 1 and 2
Solution: We don’t anticipate this impacting the K-6 instructional program at all. There will be changes on where certain classes are taught. For example, Music and Art will still be taught to the students, but will be taught in the classrooms. PE will still happen, but may be taught on the playground or even in the classrooms.
Student Safety

Challenge: How to safely mix high school students with a K-6 campus
Solution: We love having students of all ages together in a small school setting and have been very successful over 15 years with this model. Except for our new Early Learning Center, every campus we operate has had or does have a mix of students from Kinder to High School age. Draper 1 is and Draper 2 soon will be exceptions to this rule. Below are a couple of specific examples of the types of considerations given to this model.
Transition Routes – As we’ve done with each of our single building campuses we have created “transition routes” for this temporary multi-building campus for our Draper 3 High School students. It allows them to enter their classrooms without going into the Draper 1 building main doors, and without the need to traverse the hallways. The map shows the dotted blue line where the students will be able to walk with their friends and not worry about stepping on little ones!

Bathrooms At Draper 1

Challenge: We realize that although we love having students of all ages together in a small school setting (several of our schools are K-12 schools, a model we adore), we recognize the need at those schools to ensure that younger and older students have bathrooms designated for their use specifically.
Solution: Following our K-HS models we’ve ensured that younger and older students have bathrooms designated for their use specifically. There will be 2 sets of bathrooms for the 9-12 grade students to use (and not available for younger students) – the Draper 1 gymnasium bathrooms, and the District Office bathrooms.
School Lunch

High School: The High School students will be able to eat lunch in the art room, or on the grassy field WEST of the Draper 1 annex. This is a beautiful area and we will set up tables for them to be able to eat outside. In case of inclement weather, they will eat in the gymnasium. We believe there will be a lunch available for HS students to order. If so, they would pick it up in the Gymnasium.
Junior High: 7th and 8th graders will eat lunch in their classrooms. We are excited about the opportunity they will have to spend time with their mentor teachers during lunch for a few weeks, especially in the beginning of the year as they get to know each other.
No Lockers

Release Times

Challenge: Different release times for 7th and 8th graders and K-6 students at the same campus.
Solution and Explanation: We are in need of having 3 release times to facilitate carpool traffic flow. Thus, we have put the 7th and 8th grades on an 8-3:10 schedule. 7th and 8th graders with no younger siblings will be released at 3:10 (Jr. High Dismissal #1). Elementary first dismissal and Jr. High dismissal #2 will be at 3:25, with Elementary 2nd dismissal at 3:50.

Challenge: How will transportation work for families with high school students at Draper 1 and students at Draper 2?
AM – Parents may drop their High School students in the west lot at Draper 1, and may ALSO drop any of their children who attend Draper 2. We will have several shuttle buses waiting to transport siblings from the Draper 1 west lot to Draper 2 in time for their 8am start. Any High School families who also have 7th or 8th graders and wish to participate in the bus shuttle will need to be at Draper 1 no later than 7:45 a.m. so the siblings can get on the shuttle that leaves Draper 1 west lot at 7:50 a.m. These sibling elementary students arriving at Draper 2 at 8:00 a.m. will be able to go to their classrooms until school starts for them at 8:15 a.m.
Families with High School and only Draper 2 Elementary students (no 7th or 8th graders) can arrive a bit later and catch the shuttle that leaves at 8:00 a.m. Shuttle buses are available on a first-come, first-served basis to families with High School students. If there is capacity on the shuttles, students from carpool families of High School students may be added.
PM – If parents choose to pick up at just one school, the High School students who have siblings at Draper 2 will be able to take a shuttle bus leaving Draper 1 at 3:15 and arriving at Draper 2 at 3:25 for the first elementary dismissal time. High School parents can always pick up their High Schooler and then drive to Draper 2 to pick up their younger students if they prefer. Due to the release times of the High School being before the release time for the Elementary Schools, we are unable to shuttle K-8 students from Draper 2 to Draper 1 for pickup there.
Challenge: Draper 1 Carpool Traffic Flows
Solution: All Draper HS students will be dropped off and picked up in the west parking lot, so as to not impact Draper 1 carpool flows. (See Draper 1 map)